Monday, 6 April 2015

DIY | hair growth shampoo | šampon za rast i poboljšanje strukture kose

Općepoznato je da je duga i zdrava kosa ukras svake žene. Međutim, mnoge od nas upravo s kosom imaju problem. Jednima kosa opada, drugima su vlasi suhe, trećima kosa tanka a vrhovi su ispucali i lome se, dok nekima sve to skupa! Razni su uzroci tome a jedni od njih su: prekomjerno tretiranje kose hemijskim tretmanima (blajhanje kose, trajno farbanje i sl.), prekomjerno peglanje i feniranje kose, nedovoljan unos vitamina u organizam, nezdrava ishrana, stres itd. Ali, dobra vijest je da se tome može stati na kraj :). Postoje mnogi recepti za zdravlje vaše kose. Lično mislim da je san većine žena da imaju dugu, sjajnu i bujnu kosu, ali takvu nije lahko imati, jer takva kosa iziskuje mnooogo njege.
Moja kosa je poprilično tanka (plus blajhana i farbana - balayaged ombre, a sama sebi sam to uradila, što znači da nije imala adekvatnu zaštitu i njegu tokom i poslije tretiranja), vrhovi pucaju pa ju često šišam i tako sam, recimo, bila osuđena na jednu te istu dužinu kose. A onda jednom, negdje, naletim na super recept za šampon za rast kose i odlučim da ga isprobam. Pa sam i otišla u radnju i apoteku i za nekih 15ak KM kupim sve što mi je potrebno i smućkam taj super šampon. Da napomenem, u svemu što radimo u životu, da bismo uspjeli, treba volje, truda i ustrajnosti. Tako da ako smo odlučili konačno pobrinuti se oko naše kose i pomoći joj u njenom oporavku i rastu, treba imati na umu da kosa od kratkotrajnog korištenja raznih preparata za njegu, kao i ovog šampona, neće narasti tek tako. Šampon treba koristiti makar mjesec dana da bi se vidjeli prvi rezultati, ali on zaista djeluje! Pa, da više ne odugovlačim, evo i recept za spomenuti šampon:

  • Šampon od žare/koprive (najbolje Afroditin od 1l)
  • Pantenol 100 ml (vodeni rastvor)
  • Kapi/tinktura od koprive 30 ml (jedna bočica)
  • AD3 kapi, vodeni rastvor (jedna bočica)
  • Ampule vitamin B-complex (dvije)
U 750ml šampona usuti sve ostale sastojke i dobro promućkati dok se svi ne rastvore. Ovim šamponom perite kosu tako što ćete kada utrljate šampon u tjeme, ostaviti da odstoji nekih 5 minuta prije ispiranja. Kada ga koristim, nikakav regenerator ne moram da stavljam nakon šamponiranja, kosu mi ne ukruti te se lahko raščešljava i stvarno je sjajna, plus odlično oprana. Zaista je vrijedan hvale :).

Uz ovaj šampon, moja preporuka je i konzumiranje vitamina b skupine u tabletama, često ispirite kosu sa čajem od žare a isti je preporučljivo i piti (odličan je i za krvnu sliku zahvaljujući željezu koje u sebi sadrži), kapi od korpive prije pranja kose možete također utrljavati u tjeme, nakon pranja u vrhove kose možete utrljavati pantenol rastvor (ukruti malo kosu, da znate, ali meni to i odgovara umjesto laka za kosu ili gela), prije spavanja u kosu možete s vremena na vrijeme utrljati ricinusovo ulje, te je bitno da u svoj organizam unosite što više povrća (špinat, brokule itd.), žitarice, orašaste plodove (badem, orasi), crveno meso, ribu, voće puno C vitamina (agrumi) i mliječne proizvode.
Ima tu još mnogo sastojaka iz prirode koji su odlični za njegu i zdravlje naše kose i zaista ih vrijedi probati.
Na kraju, najiskrenije me zanima vaše mišljenje o ovom postu i komentari vezani za ovaj šampon ukoliko ste ga već koristili ili da podijelite sa mnom neki svoj recept. Želim vam zdravu, bujnu i sjajnu kosu  :).

AD3 kapi / AD3 drops

Ampule vitamin B-complex

Ricinusovo ulje / Castor oil

Čaj od žare / Nettle tea

It is widely known that long and healthy hair is an adornment of every woman. However, many of us have a problem with the hair exactly. To ones hair loss, others have dry hair, third have thin hair and split ends, while some have all this together! There are various reasons for that and one of them are: excessive hair treatments with chemical preparations (hair bleaching, hair dyeing etc.), excessive hair ironing and blow drying, insufficient intake of vitamins, unhealthy diet, stress and so on. The good news is that you can put an end to it :). My hair is quite thin (plus it is bleached and dyed - balayaged ombre, and I did it myself, which means it did not have adequate protection and care during and after the treatment), its ends split and it causes its breakage so I have to cut my hair more often, and for that reason I am sentenced to one and the same hair length. And then, once, I came across a great recipe for hair growth shampoo and deciced to try it. I bought all the necessary ingredients at the store and pharmacy and mixed them all into one great shampoo. To remark, in everything we do in our lives, in order to succeed, we need our will, effort and perseverance. So if we decided to finally take care of our hair and help its recovery and growth, it should be remembered that the hair from short-term use of various care preparations, as well as the shampoo, will not grow up just like that. The shampoo should be used at least a month to see the first results, but it really works! Well, no more stalling, here is a recipe for the shampoo:
  • Nettle shampoo (1000 ml)
  • Panthenol 100ml (water solution)
  • Nettle drops/tincture 30ml (one bottle)
  • AD3 drops, water solution (one bottle)
  • Ampoules of Vitamin B-complex (two ampoules)
 In 750ml of nettle shampoo pour all the other ingredients and shake well until all are dissolved. Wash your hair with this shampoo so that, when you rub shampoo into the scalp, you should leave it for about 5 minutes before rinsing. When I use it, no conditioner is needed after shampooing, my hair is not stiff, can detangle and is really shiny, plus it is thoroughly washed. It is really praiseworthy :). Besides using this shampoo, my recommendation is to consume B-complex vitamins, frequently rinse your hair with nettle tea and the same is advisable to drink (it is good for a blood count due to the iron, which it contains), nettle drops can be also massaged into the scalp before washing the hair, after washing your hair you can rub panthenol solution into its ends (just to know, it stiffenes hair a little, but to me it suits instead of hairspray or gel), before going to sleep you can rub castor oil into your hair from time to time. It is also very important to intake as many vegetables (spinach, broccoli, etc.), cereals, nuts (almonds, walnuts), red meat, fish and fruits a lot of vitamin C (citrus fruits) and dairy products. There is still a lot of ingredients from nature that are excellent for the care and health of our hair and they are all worth a try. In the end, I am honestly interested in your opinion about this post and comments regarding this shampoo if you have already used it. I wish you healthy, thick and shiny hair :).