Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Black and White Revolution: Modern Woman.

As a woman, a good one, you do not talk too much (actually, you don't give yourself the right to think too much and say what do you think out loud), you stand by your man and you're a good wife, you watch for your children and behave accordingly, but the most unfortunate is that you suppress your goals and dreams (unless they are the above mentioned ones). Then I must admit that I'm not the good one.

My view on women's role is different from the generally accepted one. I am sure that it is not the life I want to have for myself.  I am single by my own choice. I do what I want to do. I say the first thing that is on my mind. Yes, sometimes there are some regrets. What's done is done. Past tense. I don't look back that much and I'm focused on the present and near future. I want to succeed in all my goals, whether they are difficult to be achieved or not.  Small or large. Extraordinary or trivial. I am not the one of those women depending on man, his love and care. I want to be successful... to travel and buy things with money I have earned myself.

I hope to have children some day, married or not. However, it will not happen until I am able to raise them by myself. Children have to be surrounded by love, to have parents who will support and protect them... parents who share their views and feelings, who stand by each other and in that way, strengthen their small Universe called family.

In the end, I'd love to thank you for reading my post. xo :)
 (Photos and hairstyle made by my twin sister Emma)

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Spring in February

A mild winter has led to signs of an early spring. Perhaps it's a bit strange (actually it's not usual at all, because according to the calendar it should be cold). However, I like it. Spring is my favourite season. Since it is so lovely outside, I've decided to wear this outfit. Peach blouse and grey Zara's blazer where just what I needed. I wanted a bit classy and sophisticated look, but also with ''a touch of spring'' (blouse coloured peach alludes to spring, because of its tenderness). Here are the photos of me wearing the above described outfit. What do you think of it? :)

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Cvijetna rapsodija i erupcija začina

Želim vam predstaviti nešto sasvim novo u svijetu parfema.
Riječ je o novim parfemima VIKTOR & ROLF dvojca iz Holandije, koji stižu baš u pravo vrijeme. Vrijeme kada sve cvjeta i odiše ljepotom. Vrijeme kada se sve budi i iz sivila prelazi u boje proljeća.

Kao što i sami nazivi govore, ovi parfemi su prave mirisne bombe, koje kada eksplodiraju, oko sebe stvaraju senzualane i raskošne mirise.

''Cvijetna bomba'' (Flowerbomb) je prava cvijetna rapsodija, satkana notama jasmina i narančinog drveta, ruže Centifolie (ruža sa stotinu latica), frezije i orhideje, a sve to na bazi pačulija. Ovaj mirisno raznovrsni buket je upakovan u bočicu izrezbarenu poput dijamanta s mnogo lica. Odiše ženstvenošću i senzualnošću, a noseći ga na sebi osjećati ćete se posebno. Smatram da je ovaj mirisni buket idealan poklon za vas i vama najmilije dame, povodom predstojećih datuma, Valentinovo i 8. Mart.

A da se jači spol ne bi osjećao zanemarenim, evo i za njih jedna začinjena poslastica. Riječ je o Spicebomb parfemu koji je erupcija začina obuzdana svježinom. Koktel muževnosti i profinjenosti. Sama bočica izgleda kao bomba čime aludira na to da ono što se nalazi u njoj stvara mirisnu eksploziju koja iznenađuje na prvi udisaj, a stvara ovisnost već u idućoj sekundi. Njegovo srce čine note začina poput čilija i šafrana, obavijeno kožom, duhanom i vetiverom, te svježim notama bergamota i grejpa, kao završnim omotom na kojem ostavljaju trag hladni začini - elemi i ružičasti biber.


Usput, zaljubljeni, sretno vam Valentinovo! :)